All files / src/motion tweened.js

43.39% Statements 69/159
66.66% Branches 4/6
75% Functions 3/4
41.55% Lines 64/154

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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/** @import { Task } from '../internal/client/types' */
/** @import { Tweened } from './public' */
/** @import { TweenedOptions } from './private' */
import { writable } from '../store/shared/index.js';
import { raf } from '../internal/client/timing.js';
import { loop } from '../internal/client/loop.js';
import { linear } from '../easing/index.js';
import { is_date } from './utils.js';
 * @template T
 * @param {T} a
 * @param {T} b
 * @returns {(t: number) => T}
function get_interpolator(a, b) {
	if (a === b || a !== a) return () => a;

	const type = typeof a;
	if (type !== typeof b || Array.isArray(a) !== Array.isArray(b)) {
		throw new Error('Cannot interpolate values of different type');

	if (Array.isArray(a)) {
		const arr = /** @type {Array<any>} */ (b).map((bi, i) => {
			return get_interpolator(/** @type {Array<any>} */ (a)[i], bi);

		// @ts-ignore
		return (t) => => fn(t));

	if (type === 'object') {
		if (!a || !b) {
			throw new Error('Object cannot be null');

		if (is_date(a) && is_date(b)) {
			const an = a.getTime();
			const bn = b.getTime();
			const delta = bn - an;

			// @ts-ignore
			return (t) => new Date(an + t * delta);

		const keys = Object.keys(b);

		/** @type {Record<string, (t: number) => T>} */
		const interpolators = {};
		keys.forEach((key) => {
			// @ts-ignore
			interpolators[key] = get_interpolator(a[key], b[key]);

		// @ts-ignore
		return (t) => {
			/** @type {Record<string, any>} */
			const result = {};
			keys.forEach((key) => {
				result[key] = interpolators[key](t);
			return result;

	if (type === 'number') {
		const delta = /** @type {number} */ (b) - /** @type {number} */ (a);
		// @ts-ignore
		return (t) => a + t * delta;

	throw new Error(`Cannot interpolate ${type} values`);
 * A tweened store in Svelte is a special type of store that provides smooth transitions between state values over time.
 * @template T
 * @param {T} [value]
 * @param {TweenedOptions<T>} [defaults]
 * @returns {Tweened<T>}
export function tweened(value, defaults = {}) {
	const store = writable(value);
	/** @type {Task} */
	let task;
	let target_value = value;
	 * @param {T} new_value
	 * @param {TweenedOptions<T>} [opts]
	function set(new_value, opts) {
		target_value = new_value;
		if (value == null) {
			store.set((value = new_value));
			return Promise.resolve();
		/** @type {Task | null} */
		let previous_task = task;
		let started = false;
		let {
			delay = 0,
			duration = 400,
			easing = linear,
			interpolate = get_interpolator
		} = { ...defaults, ...opts };
		if (duration === 0) {
			if (previous_task) {
				previous_task = null;
			store.set((value = target_value));
			return Promise.resolve();

		const start = + delay;

		/** @type {(t: number) => T} */
		let fn;
		task = loop((now) => {
			if (now < start) return true;
			if (!started) {
				fn = interpolate(/** @type {any} */ (value), new_value);
				if (typeof duration === 'function')
					duration = duration(/** @type {any} */ (value), new_value);
				started = true;
			if (previous_task) {
				previous_task = null;
			const elapsed = now - start;
			if (elapsed > /** @type {number} */ (duration)) {
				store.set((value = new_value));
				return false;
			// @ts-ignore
			store.set((value = fn(easing(elapsed / duration))));
			return true;
		return task.promise;
	return {
		update: (fn, opts) =>
			set(fn(/** @type {any} */ (target_value), /** @type {any} */ (value)), opts),
		subscribe: store.subscribe